Growing up in the great Northwest – which is traditionally the red-headed step child of sports teams – it’s been difficult to cheer week in and week out for anyone. Each new sport comes into season, only to follow another team and their losing season. It’s like showing up to the spelling bee and rooting for the dyslexic kid every time.
A few times in life every sports fan’s dedication is questioned. I feel like I am a pretty solid sports fan. I’m pretty good at sports trivia. I am not [ryvl video_url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVNiKhJenUg” auto_play=”yes”] Stumping the Schawb [/ryvl] anytime soon but, I feel like I can hold my own.
Now that the Oklahoma City Thunder rose to power, it’s like the Sports Gods are rubbing it into our Northwest faces. We built all these fancy stadiums for the Mariners and Seahawks (Yeah, that was a genius plan). Since the Sonics left town, the Mariners have produced only one wining season (2008 61-101, 2009 85–77, 2010 61-101, 2011 67-95) and 2012 shows no signs of change. It’s not even June and the M’s are already out of the pennant race. Overall in those four years, they’re 274-374; THAT’S A HUNDRED GAMES BELOW .500 PEOPLE! The Seahawks are not much better; they have just been good enough to let you down.
Much like my dating life, always a best man, never a man. (I gotta stop being sooo awesome).
This NBA post-season people have asked, “So you rooting on the Thunder?” This is an absurd question. Of course I am not rooting on the Thunder! Do I look like a man with no self-respect? How can I cheer for a team, that “got outta Dodge” without even a “l8ter” text!? Give me a break! Rooting on the Thunder would be like cheering for a old girlfriend to have wonderful new relationship, while I sit all alone, with Greg Oden’s Trailblazer’s to try comfort me. I got a little more pride than to forget how you did me wrong, and left in the middle of the night, Baltimore Colt’s style.
Thunder, you can try and build your fan base, but don’t coming knocking down my door. As for me and my household, we will wait patiently for the return of our Sonics.
I came here for trash talk about coffee. I was disappointed.