Stuff I Saw On Pinterest: Quote/Word Tattoos

Tattoos. Remember when servicemen and tribesmen were the only ones to get them? Me neither because I was -40 yrs old. The evolution of the tattoo is something to behold and somehow it has worked its way to quotes or sayings or something else with words. I went through Pinterest and found some of the more interesting ones that didn’t show side boob (A LOT of them are on the rib cages of women thus side boob). See which ones you can recognize, which ones I think are silly and which ones I think are pretty swell.

In a hypothetical world, if you were to get a saying tattooed upon your flesh, what would it be? I would put mine on my left pectorial (above the nipple) and it would say this:

I’m surprised Hitler didn’t round up the toupée people.
– Larry David

I agree and I will support my bald brothers to the end!


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Mark Twainer

double shot out? i approve this message!
I love the giving tree

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Just wait until these ladies have a child. All those tats on their tummy and rib cage are going to be stretched out and nasty. I have seen so many stretched out ones from child carrying. It is sick. Tats are overrated in my book.

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My hypothetical tattoo would say “I may be blonde and fun as balls, but I’m not a moron.” Ke$ha- Because I like to keep it c lassy

Talk to me, loser.

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