Boorad Gives His Final Rose

Sorry ladies, but the Bachelorette Breakdown author, Boorad, has just presented his final rose – and it’s to a girl!

Yep, it’s official – Boorad apparently likes the women folk. So much so, that he actually became engaged to one.

Her name is Ju-Ju and no, this isn’t their engagement photo. We just included this to show how far he’s come since his annual visit to the Festival of Colors.

“Hey wait a minute! Boorad has always been one with the ladies! Look, there’s 2 girls there!!!!” says a casual observer of this photo. Uh, those are his sisters. Doesn’t count.

“Hey, want S’more of this?” asks Ju-Ju. A little awkward because Boorad was clearly more interested in the popular campfire dessert of an 8 year old than the companionship of a woman.

What better way to win the heart of a lady than to throw her out of an airplane? Notice the non hover hand on Ju-Ju’s left shoulder. Well played grasshopper.

Although he could have played it safe with a song and a helicopter ride.

Kasey Sings to Ali (Helicopter ride on the Bachelorette)

You know what cute bike rides lead to, don’t you?

They lead to SUPER-DATES in Vegas! When he came back without the Kasey Kahl tattoo we knew it was serious.

Ha ha ha now get a room!

Congrats Boorad!


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It is jarring enough seeing my brother’s face on the shiny blonde bachelor body, but what is with the creepy red vampire eyes?!

And unlike the current Bachelorette, i think this marriage has a fighting chance. He did propose on television in front of a live studio audience right?

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I would marry any man that would sing to me the way kasey sang to ali

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Creepy eyes, but Julie and I think that Brad could rock that haircut.

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Peggy Earl

I am so happy and excited for Brad and Julianna! But, seriously, does this mean no breakdown this week???

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    You need to tell Brad to get on the stick.

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    dirty:: south

    I told Boorad people would riot if he didn’t post one so he’s feeling the pressure.

Talk to me, loser.

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