TWEEKED – Tweets of the Week June 30-July 6
What do John Tesh, the white Steve Nash, and the Bachelorette have in common? Find out in our latest edition of TWEEKED – the tweets of the week for June 30-July 6, 2012.
Just saw a guy holding a paper map. Yes, I punched him in the face.
Neal Brennan
The 'greatest generation' is NOT WWII vets but today's teens having to like totally balance texting, shopping & One Direction.
I was still mad at the British until Boy George.
Michael Ian Black
Agreed. Would you really want to hurt him?
You're nice to the weird kid once, then BOOM. Stalked for life.
Funny Rude Tweets
Fritzy using a knife and fork to eat wings. Discuss.
Paulie Pabst
Update on the Fritzy-knife/fork wing eating situation. NOT boneless wings. Traditional wings.
Paulie Pabst
Fritzy better hope Jon Stewart doesn’t find out about this.
Vince McMahon has banned baby oil and spray tans #fakeWWErumors
Of course, there are always exceptions.
Hey Guys. I'm totally stoked. I love my new image. I actually have on a polo shirt.. I just love everyone.I feel like grey pupon..
Metta WorldPeace
USA Today reports Saints coach Sean Payton has filed for divorce. Unknown if there is a bounty yet.
Steve Hunt
Watching soccer gives me the same feeling as watching a drunk guy try to get his key in the door.
Alex Baze
Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren't free but I'm sure they enjoyed fireworks
Chris Rock
We get a crap load off at Christmas for somethin' everyone doesn't believe in. But ONE day for the USA? A celebraish for ALL? Ain't right.
Karl Welzein
Just heard a black weatherman say "drizzle" & am ashamed to say that for a second I thought he was doing that Snoop Dogg thing.
Danny Zuker
I think one of Jef's sisters ate his other f. #Bachelorette
Jason Biggs
Be sure to also check out the Bachelorette Breakdown – The Final Four!
"What's independence?" "Don't worry about it." - men to women, July 5, 1776
Kristy Grant
My spell-check wants to change "Tesh" to "Yeah." You needn't bother, spell-check: he does that with his music. #gentleTweets
Patton Oswalt
Did you know John Tesh composed “Roundball Rock” a theme song used for The NBA on NBC from 1990-2002?
Just carpooled to a 4th party with six people in a Prius. You're welcome, earth.
John Boyle
Since 2007, Joey Chestnut has had more hot dogs (377) than the #Pirates have wins (370)
Jeremy Lundblad
Did anyone else get a yeast infection from seeing "Magic Mike?"
Jason Nash
If Lindsay Lohan made it through her cracked-out bleached-blonde lesbian jailbird phase, you can make it through today.
Everything in this photo was made in America, except the flag... That was actually made in China. HaPpY 4th
Lolo Jones
In the wake of Anderson Cooper's shocking revelation, I'd like to announce that I'm fat.
Patrick Reusse
If the Lakers gets Steve Nash and Grant Hill, they'll be the favorites to win the 2005 NBA Championship
Adam Kuperstein
Big deal, Anderson Cooper has been gray for years.
Mike Sampson
I spent 18 years in the closet. Not because I was ashamed to be gay, but because I needed the time to choose outfits.
Jack Mackenroth
Got a bad case of the pie sweats.
chris pratt
Just found out the wife is writing a book about our honeymoon, called “50 Shades of Just O.K.”
Conan O'Brien
Missed last week’s best tweets? Check out the best TomKat divorce tweets here!
Talk to me, loser.