“I’d give away all my Nintendo games for a date with you. Well…all but Contra.”
Yearly Archives: 2012
Stuff I Saw On Pinterest: Quote/Word Tattoos
Tattoos. Remember when servicemen and tribesmen were the only ones to get them? Me neither because I was -40 yrs old. Continue reading Stuff I Saw On Pinterest: Quote/Word Tattoos
“That’s a clown question, bro!”
“That’s a clown question, bro!”
– Washington Nationals 19-year old outfielder Bryce Harper, when asked if he would celebrate his home run vs. Toronto by taking advantage of Canada’s younger drinking age and having a beer. It’s well known that he is Mormon.
Stuff I Saw On Pinterest: Stairs
I’ve always been fascinated with staircases and I probably attribute that to the fact that greatest rock song of all time is about stairs. But I honestly don’t know why or how they can be so intriguing. Maybe it’s because I associate stairs with castles and castles are super gangster? Or maybe it’s because I’m sorta short and stairs allow me to be taller? Regardless and irregardless, stairs rock my socks off.
Bachelorette Breakdown – Week 4
Don’t. Mess. With. Ricki. This was made very clear this week as Emily went all Backwoods-West Virginia-Single Mom-Hood Rat-Psycho-Nascar Fan-Human Barbie on Kalon’s bee-hind. Who would have thought that this country sweetheart had such an edge to her? Continue reading Bachelorette Breakdown – Week 4
The Spiderman Marriage Proposal – An Interview
I’ve been James Christensen’s roommate for about nine months now. If you’ve ever taken him into a group setting and there was anything at all resembling music, you’ll have seem him drop some serious dope moves. Mostly body rolls and stripper style motions, but dope nonetheless. Continue reading The Spiderman Marriage Proposal – An Interview
Video: I Dedicate This Song To The One I Love
REO Speedwagon rules. Why else would Billy Madison wear their shirt?
The video starts out with the lead singer (?) talking about how he wrote a song about an imaginary girl…and that girl is not hanging out with him, but is mackin on other dudes? This guy seems like a complete loser and that’s why I like him. Continue reading Video: I Dedicate This Song To The One I Love
Stuff I Saw On Pinterest: Star Wars
It’s amazing.
Each week day Every so often I will get on Pinterest and find a series of pictures that you may not find because of all the women posting pics of hot babes, delicious food and ecards. I’m kinda trying out this new gallery format. We’ll see how this goes.
This week I stumbled over some Star Wars fan art. I picked out some of my favorites. Enjoy.
Jacksonville Fans Call it Jaguaring…and it’s Awful.
NFL fans get ready…there’s a new contender for Tebowing, and it might be the most horrible thing my eyes have ever witnessed. Continue reading Jacksonville Fans Call it Jaguaring…and it’s Awful.
Metta World Peace aka Ron Artest, wants to be a Meteorologist
This is a clip of Ron Artest on CTVBC trying to do the weather. A couple things we can learn from this video (turn it up, the volume is low): Continue reading Metta World Peace aka Ron Artest, wants to be a Meteorologist
Good Job, Good Effort
After the Miami Heat’s loss last night in Miami, the players were walking back through the tunnel to get to their locker room when they were cheered on by a young fan yelling “good job, good effort”. Continue reading Good Job, Good Effort
Bachelorette Breakdown – Week 3
Is Doug too perfect?
Is Chris actually 25?
Can Jef with one F travel between countries without adult supervision?
These are just some of the intriguing questions that were asked this week on The Bachelorette. Continue reading Bachelorette Breakdown – Week 3
Is Stevie Wonder Blind?
Sports writer/Around The Horn guest, Bomani Jones, gives some pretty good evidence that Stevie Wonder is NOT blind. Continue reading Is Stevie Wonder Blind?
Fanny Packs – Not Just a Fad
Growing up, I never really bought into social norms. Continue reading Fanny Packs – Not Just a Fad
Mr. Trololo Passes Away
The man known as Mr. Trololo by millions of internet using Americans, has passed away at the age of 77. May he rest in peace. Continue reading Mr. Trololo Passes Away