Bachelor Breakdown – Sean Lowe is the New Bachelor!
Sean Lowe is back and nicer than ever as ABC’s 17th season of The Bachelor.
Many of you remember Sean from The Bachelorette last season, where he had his heart broken ripped out of his chest on national TVÂ by Emily Maynard.
By some miracle (or plenty of sympathy from every girl he has met in the last six months), Sean has somehow recovered from that heartbreak and is ready again to look for love…on national television.
Twitter sat down with Sean to ask him a few questions about the upcoming season.
Last time you were on The Bachelorette you left with your heart broken. Why come back to national TV?
So what are you hoping to get out of this season of The Bachelor?
When you were standing in front of all those girls that first night what were you thinking?
What were you really thinking?
What was your strategy with passing out roses on the first night?
Thank you! I’ve been saying for years that Romo is a terrible QB and Dallas will never be a winning franchise with him in charge. Who do you think the Cowboys should draft this ye… Wait how did we get on this tangent?
Yes you certainly did Sean. Ok last question, what do you have to say about this season of The Bachelor?
I’m sure it will be Sean, best of luck to you in finding your soul mate.
(Sean Laughs)
Yeah I couldn’t keep a straight face either. Oh and in case you didn’t know Salt Lake City girl got two kids, and I’m almost positive that Lacey is a stripper. Just a heads up.
To be honest, I was not thrilled when I heard that Sean was the new Bachelor. I think Arie is more entertaining and would make for better TV. Then I started thinking about how nice Sean is to everyone and thought about him having to break the hearts of 25 girls (well ultimately 26 girls but one girl’s heart will be broken much later). In fact, this season there is a strong possibility we will see Sean break up with a girl without her even realizing it because Sean is too nice. What’s the over/under for longest stay in the Bachelor house after getting dumped? I’m setting it at 3 weeks.
Whether you are thrilled that Sean is The Bachelor or not, we can all agree that when you put 26 emotionally unstable women in a house all competing for one guy, it makes for some pretty great TV.
Stay tuned for an in-depth analysis of the women of this season coming soon.
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