It’s been 26 years since Cru Jones and Christian (The chick from Full House) boogied like it’s going out style. Now…way out of style. Continue reading 26th Anniversary of The Boogie
All posts by professortims
“I’d give away all my Nintendo games for a date with you. Well…all but Contra.”
Fanny Packs – Not Just a Fad
Growing up, I never really bought into social norms. Continue reading Fanny Packs – Not Just a Fad
Seattle’s Best? More like Worst.
Growing up in the great Northwest – which is traditionally the red-headed step child of sports teams – it’s been difficult to cheer week in and week out for anyone. Each new sport comes into season, only to follow another team and their losing season. It’s like showing up to the spelling bee and rooting for the dyslexic kid every time. Continue reading Seattle’s Best? More like Worst.