Category Archives: Basketball


TGIF – Thank GIF It’s Friday! Best GIFs of the Week 11-8-13

What’s worse than Justin Bieber? Answer: Justin Bieber spending the night in a brothel. Except, wouldn’t that mean he’d get some weird South American disease and possibly go away forever? Probably. Ok, I take it back – there’s nothing worse than Bieber. And there’s nothing BETTER than TGIF – Thank GIF It’s Friday! The best GIFs of the week for November 8th, 2013.

Continue reading TGIF – Thank GIF It’s Friday! Best GIFs of the Week 11-8-13

TGIF – Thank GIF It’s Friday! Best GIFs of the Week 2-1-13

30 Rock is off the air – BLERG. Oh well, at least it’s Friday, which means another episode of TGIF – Thank GIF It’s Friday! The best GIFs of the week for February 1st, 2013. Not to be confused with TGS, the fictional show on 30 Rock. So hard to say goodbye.

Continue reading TGIF – Thank GIF It’s Friday! Best GIFs of the Week 2-1-13